Wednesday 13 April 2016

The art of using keywords in Content!

The art of using keywords in Content!

Without a doubt, keywords are indeed the most important aspect when it comes to assessing the SEO worthiness of a website. However, if they are not blended properly with the natural flow of content on the site, they might as well look like spam on the site which the search engine would skip straight away, nullifying your efforts to rank high on SERPs.

So how do you use the keywords in the website’s content…? Below are some great tips that explain just that.
1. You can always write plurals of your keywords, but abstain from repeating them too many times.
2. Don’t worry about Misspelled Keywords. If the term un common usage is misspelled, you should only persist with the misspelled keyword.
3. It will be better to avoid too common keywords. Long tale Keywords can really help you in getting the desired attention.
4. Lastly but importantly, you would be better off keeping the combined keywords length within 1000 characters. The lesser keywords there will be, the bigger impact your site will have. If You want to have more information, then visit us at

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