Monday 25 April 2016

Cloud Hosting is the future

Cloud Hosting is the future…
Cloud hosting is quickly becoming an integral part of all businesses across the Globe. Big, medium or small, all businesses are getting on the cloud for adding more portability and dynamism to their business. Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query. 

And it is explicable too because Cloud Hosting is virtually transforming the way people carry out business these days. Just look at some eye-opening facts about cloud, and you will understand how big this is…
According to present estimations, Cloud hosting has emerged approx. 40 times more cost-friendly for SMEs & SMBs. As of now, all the businesses that got on the Cloud in the previous year, as many as 8o% succeeded in increasing their savings this year. By the coming year, this Cloud market is expected to cross $250 billion mark.
It seems that the whole world is getting on Cloud now.
So, why should you be the one lagging behind?

Cloud Hosting is the future

Cloud Hosting is the futureCloud hosting is quickly becoming an integral part of all businesses across the Globe. Big, medium or small, all businesses are getting on the cloud for adding more portability and dynamism to their business. Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query. 

And it is explicable too because Cloud Hosting is virtually transforming the way people carry out business these days. Just look at some eye-opening facts about cloud, and you will understand how big this is… 
According to present estimations, Cloud hosting has emerged approx. 40 times more cost-friendly for SMEs & SMBs. As of now, all the businesses that got on the Cloud in the previous year, as many as 8o% succeeded in increasing their savings this year. By the coming year, this Cloud market is expected to cross $250 billion mark. It seems that the whole world is getting on Cloud now.So, why should you be the one lagging behind?

Want to cut down your business running costs?

Want to cut down your business running costs?
Want to increase profits from your business?
Want to handle everything more efficiently?
Want time to spend with family and friends?
Want the best brains and technology to work for you?
Want to serve your customers better? Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.
All SMB owners operating in Australia!
If these nagging questions are keeping you awake at nights, then you must go for a single solution that can truly address all these worries at once. And that solution happens to be OUTSOURCING!

Thursday 21 April 2016

Tips to succeed in your PPC Campaign!

Tips to succeed in your PPC Campaign!

Pay-per-click or PPC is probably the best and most under-rated web promotion tool being used by web companies around the world. Especially for those companies who are new entrants I the field, PPC gives them the power to be seen and heard by their target audiences with very little expense and effort.
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.
In order to maximize the impact of a PPC campaign, here are some important tips that will make a big difference…
1. Writing words that could be trademarks should be totally avoided
2. Writing only factual things that can be attained are advisable
3. Creation of destination page is also a must for this campaign
4. Periodical checking of conversion rates and subsequent changes are extremely essential as well

Common Outsourcing Myths

Common Outsourcing Myths

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.

This is precisely the reason you should outsource; so that you can still stay small yet handle big volumes resulting in bigger profits.
But nobody is even asking you to outsource your core product. It is the support services that need more attention require outsourcing.
The main thing is, if you are able to afford local manpower in your company ranks, you can definitely afford outsourcing because it is way cheaper than a local hire.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Open New Opportunities of growth with Outsourcing!

Open New Opportunities of growth with Outsourcing!

 You know what is the biggest downside of running a 1 person or 2 person business? The owner of that business has to undertake each task of the business all by himself or herself. And this also happens to be the biggest hurdle which stop these small business owners from expanding their business and entering the league of medium and large scale businesses. Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.
 However, this scenario can be completely changed by acting smartly and getting into the possibilities filled world of Outsourcing. Outsourcing is that remedy which gives SMB owners the time to plan new business moves in the future.
 Outsourcing gives SMB owners the freedom to look beyond their endless chores and plan a bigger future ahead. 

Succeed Online with these amazing techniques!

Succeed Online with these amazing techniques! 

SEO or no SEO, there are certain techniques which will always bring results if carried out regularly with a keen eye on quality and creativeness.

1. Write Informative articles that provide relevant information to the visitors and a strong grip on the subject that keeps the readers glued till the very end.
2. Post these articles in Article directories that feature only quality content
3. Undertake Link Building as well to allow others to link with your site
4. Send posts in top forums and discussion boards only to enhance quality links
5. Draft top quality press releases that catch the reader’s eye

By following these time tested techniques, quality traffic can definitely be directed to a particular site .  If You want to have more information, then visit us at

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Outsourcing is the mantra of Success!

Outsourcing is the mantra of Success!

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.

  More so when you talk about small and medium scale businesses who are only just managing to stay afloat after paying off their running expenses. One of the greatest benefits of outsourcing is the ability to carry out multiple tasks at one go without hiring too many people on the company rolls.
Though it is definitely a very big decision for conventional business owners that really takes them out of their comfort zone. But once you take that first step, it is profits and more profits all the way.
 Profits in the form of…
  1. Reduced operating costs
  2. Lesser downtimes
  3. Better skills at lesser cost
  4. More free time to do more

Beware of the companies that promise Guaranteed SEO results!

Beware of the companies that promise Guaranteed SEO results!

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.
When you go in the market to hire an SEO services company, you will come across a number of service providers who will promise you guaranteed SEO results within weeks or days.

Though you might be prompted to accept their offer at first, but you will be better advised not to finalize anything and walk away from the meeting to consider more genuine service providers for the job.
There are 2 very simple reasons behind this advice…
1. How a company can promise you guaranteed results when the results are controlled by the Search Engine and not the company?
2. Since the process of SEO is an ongoing one, and the benchmarks on which a company promises you top rankings are bound to change with time, there is no way those benchmarks will hold good to take you on top of the rankings.

Monday 18 April 2016

Why Outsource to bail out of a tough situation?

Why Outsource to bail out of a tough situation?

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.

Most of the times when we hear people talk about Outsourcing, it is always in the context of a tough situation that they might be facing in their business at that moment. Lack of cash flow & working capital, salary budget overshoots and non-availability of skilled staff are some of the most common causes that prompt SMEs to go for Outsourcing. In other words; instead of doing the repair in time, we keep delaying it till the time it finally breaks down, leaving us stranded on the way.
However, the whole point of the matter is about being pro-active and not outsourcing when you have no other option to fall back upon. A wiser move is to plan in advance and outsource to cut costs in your business.

Friday 15 April 2016

Black Hat SEO Techniques that can get you/your site banned by Search Engines

1. Cloaking… 
Cloaking actually involves putting up different versions of same page to crawlers & human visitors. The version for crawlers is highly optimized while the human version is meant for the ease of visitors. 
2. Doorway or Gateway page… 
The technique involves the creation of a number of similar pages, where each is optimized for a specific keyword. 
3. Copied content… 
Copied content is one of the most disgusting thing that one can put on their sites. Still, people do it by picking 1 or 2 paragraphs her & 2 there till their site is done. If You want to have more information, then visit us at

Thursday 14 April 2016

Outsource your IT functions…

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.

Managing the hardware related to IT functions in the office can be a real time taking and cumbersome job. Especially with new technologies coming every now and then, business owners often have to spend a lot of time and money on changing the hardware to make it compatible with the current technology. The pressure of keeping IT systems running smoothly is so much all the time that business owners are invariably forced to maintain full time staff to manage the ongoing IT functions in the company.

With Outsourcing though, the whole scenario can change almost completely. When the IT functions are outsourced, business owners would never have to worry about managing IT hardware and their maintenance staff. Which would mean lesser number of manpower draining the profits, and higher profits for the business owners to enjoy. If You want to have more information, then visit us at

Wednesday 13 April 2016

The art of using keywords in Content!

The art of using keywords in Content!

Without a doubt, keywords are indeed the most important aspect when it comes to assessing the SEO worthiness of a website. However, if they are not blended properly with the natural flow of content on the site, they might as well look like spam on the site which the search engine would skip straight away, nullifying your efforts to rank high on SERPs.

So how do you use the keywords in the website’s content…? Below are some great tips that explain just that.
1. You can always write plurals of your keywords, but abstain from repeating them too many times.
2. Don’t worry about Misspelled Keywords. If the term un common usage is misspelled, you should only persist with the misspelled keyword.
3. It will be better to avoid too common keywords. Long tale Keywords can really help you in getting the desired attention.
4. Lastly but importantly, you would be better off keeping the combined keywords length within 1000 characters. The lesser keywords there will be, the bigger impact your site will have. If You want to have more information, then visit us at

Tuesday 12 April 2016

An All gain, no pain opportunity!

An All gain, no pain opportunity!
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.

Yes! That’s absolutely true…
This opportunity will only make you gain without shedding any sweat…
You will be able to shed all the extra baggage around you…
You will have time to plan your business moves in advance…
You will have the best brains working for you…
Your customers will be happier than before…
Your salary budget allocations will drop…
Your jobs will be done by others, while you will reap the fruits of those jobs…
All these gains minus the pains can be truly yours,
If you decide to O U T S O U R C E …

Looking to hire a Web Services Company?

Looking to hire a Web Services Company?

Hiring a good web services company is extremely critical in deciding the success of a website/business these days. With a pro-active company working alongside to handle all the web promotion part, a business can definitely look up for great days ahead in the near future. 

However, choosing the right company is always going to be tricky. Especially when there is no dearth of such companies in the market. Though there are a few indicators that one could watch out for before hiring a web service company.
1st Indicator…Good companies usually cover all aspects of running a website on the web. So, they would have an array of services covering all aspects of web hosting , web development and digital Internet marketing to offer to their clients.
2nd Indicator…A good company would also give its clients ample freedom to choose their web development platform and would not hesitate in giving a full run down on CMS control panel.
These 2 indicators can generally tell a lot about the company being prospected for hire as a WEB Service company. If You want to have more information, then visit us at

Monday 11 April 2016

How to make the most out of your Google AdWords Campaign?

How to make the most out of your Google AdWords Campaign?

Google AdWords is definitely a very useful and extremely effective way of promoting one’s website or business on the net. However, the degree of its success depends entirely on how expertly this tool is used.

Here are some important tips to maximize the impact of this tool… 
1. Conducting Comprehensive Keyword Research
2. Undertaking analysis of Competitors
3. Writing Highly engrossing Ad Copy
4. Employing innovative Bidding Strategy
5. Allocating separate landing page for every Ad
6. Carrying out split-testing before full launch
7. Using Google Analytics to monitor performance If You want to have more information, then visit us at

How many hats do you wear at a time?- AVP Outsourcing

How many hats do you wear at a time?

A thinking Manager's Hat while planning the next business move...
An Admin Executive's Hat to streamline supplies from vendors...
A Customer Care Officer's Hat to address customer queries and grievances...

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at or visit us at with your query.
An Account's Manager Hat to document all financial transactions...
A Sales Representative's Hat to sell your products/services...
A Marketing Manager's Hat to promote your product in the market...
And all the other Hats that you are required to wear as the need arises...
Wearing all these hats can be real tiring and daunting at times. And when you take more responsibilities than you can handle, it becomes a perfect recipe for disaster. 
However, if you act a bit smartly and outsource these processes, you can easily get rid of the hat changing syndrome and settle in just one Hat that suits you the most; the Smart Business owner's Hat.