Tuesday 16 August 2016

E-commerce Development Melbourne

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/e-commerce-portal

An E-commerce Portal Website is ideal for business owners looking to set up their online store on the web. Majority of retailers today have set-up their e-commerce shops online to reach out to a larger customer base located beyond their physical boundaries. With our expertise, businesses can easily set up their E-Commerce website and sell as many products as they want 24×7 to customers around the world.

Wednesday 10 August 2016

Free Website Analysis Australia

Want a ‪#‎Great_Website‬ for your business? Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Search Engine Ranking Brisbane

Go for On-going ‪#‎SEO_Services‬ to Maintain your site’s ‪#‎Search_Engine_Rankings‬...
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/search-engine-optimization-s…

Here are some compelling reasons that explain why you should stick with ongoing ‪#‎SEO‬... 
1. It allows for better analysis of ‪#‎Google_Analytics‬ and implementation of strategies based on its results.
2. It also helps in changing the SEO strategy based on latest Google updates in search algorithms.
3. It also allows for making the required changes in content based on the new search engine updates
4. It also ensures regular reporting of the results of SEO activities, and measuring the success of the campaign based on their performance
5. It also makes sure that the site’s rank is maintained on the SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages), and it does not drop down to lower ranked pages in the search results
The difference between one time SEO and ongoing SEO is pretty simple. While the first one is responsible for making the site visible by placing it high on search pages; the second one is more about maintaining the rankings over a period of time, so that the site’s visibility does not fizzle out like a bubble.

Monday 8 August 2016

Web directory Submission

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/link-building-and-directory-…
Before submitting your website to ‪#‎web_directories‬, you must address the below aspects properly...
1. Ensure that your website is fully completed and has no functionality issues.
2. Don’t forget to submit your site manually to each ‪#‎web_directory‬
3. Follow the exact guidelines specified for submission by each directory
4. Choosing an appropriate category for submission is Extremely important
5. Don’t forget to triple check every detail

Apart from these 5 major factor, you should also ensure that there are no spelling or typing errors while making a submission.
If the contents of your website have time-sensitive information, you should not forget to mention it on the submission form because time-sensitive-information is indexed very fast.

Saturday 6 August 2016

SMO Company Sydney

‪#‎SMO‬ and its IMPACT on your Market Presence...
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/social-media-optimization-smo

The importance of ‪#‎Social_Media_Optimization‬ or #SMO has attained astronomical proportions with the introduction of Smartphones that have internet Browsing capabilities.
Smartphones have driven a large chunk of internet users to get continuously hooked on to ‪#‎social_media_platforms‬ like ‪#‎Facebook‬ and‪#‎Twitter‬.
According to 2016 estimates...
Total number of #Facebook users worldwide stood at approx. 1.6 billion
Total number of ‪#‎You_Tube‬ users worldwide stood approx. 1 billion
And ‪#‎Google‬+ users stood at approx. 440 million
Followed by ‪#‎Instagram‬ at approx. 430 million
According to 2018 estimates...
Total number of social media users globally is expected to touch approx. 2.5 billion.
In the light of such staggering numbers predicted in 2018, there is no better media to focus for promotion of your business than the all encompassing ‪#‎Social_Media‬.

Friday 5 August 2016

GEO Targeting in SEO

Importance of ‪#‎Geo_Targeting‬ in SEO...
• Geo-Targeting is particularly useful for small businesses who are looking for ways to target customers in a location specific area. With this technique, company website owners usually focus all their web promotion to areas that are in close vicinity to their business operations.

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/digital-marketing-solutions
On the flip side, if small business owners don’t Geo-Target their SEO promotion efforts, they would still get visitors but they may not be necessarily from the areas where these companies are well equipped to deliver their products/services.
• A great tool offered by Google for the purpose of Geo-Targeting is the targeted site’s integration with Google Maps. This way the website integrated with Google Maps is indexed on the basis of physical location of the targeted company.
On the flip side, if the physical location of the business is not integrated on Google Maps, the search spiders find it hard to place the company higher in the search results when the search query by the visitor is interested in finding results based on the physical location of the business.

Thursday 4 August 2016

Google Ad-Words Management Australia

DON’T jeopardize your ‪#‎PPC_Campaign‬ with these SILLY mistakes!
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/google-adwords

• Don’t use ‪#‎Broad_Keywords‬; as they would eat up your budget pretty fast without delivering actual conversions 
Using ‪#‎highly_targeted_Keywords‬ is your best chance to have hits with a high conversion rate
• Never make the mistake of driving paid traffic to your homepage...
Using a ‪#‎Landing_Page‬ is the best way to increase your conversions

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Black Hat Vs White Hat SEO

DON’T plague your website with ‪#‎Black_Hat_SEO‬!
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/search-engine-marketing-sem

• Don’t use ‪#‎Duplicate_Content‬; content that’s copied verbatim (Word by Word) from other sites. 
• Don’t indulge in Keyword Stuffing; stuffing your site inorganically with targeted keywords to attract search engine spiders.
• Don’t put Hidden Text on WebPages; hidden text that is put with white colour font on a white background, or with a black colour font on a black background, so that it is not visible to the visitors but it does get crawled by search spiders.
• Don’t use Doorway or Gateway Pages; standalone WebPages that are specifically designed to attract search engine visitors to your website.
• Don’t indulge in Cloaking; which is the practice of preparing two versions of the same web page, where one is meant for the visitors, and the other is meant for the search bots.
• Don’t indulge in Link Farming; which is actually the process of exchanging links back and forth with other Web sites to enhance the search engine optimization of the site.

Monday 1 August 2016

How to improve website speed

Does your website load fast in the Browser?
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au

• A site loading in 5 seconds is faster than roughly 1/4th of the entire web
• If it loads in 3 seconds, it is faster than almost half of the sites on the entire world-wide –web
• If it loads 2 seconds, it would beat approximately 3/4th of the entire sites on web
• If you can get it to load in a second, it would be the among the fastest sites on Internet
In order to ensure that your site loads fast in the browser, you should look at the key factors below that have a great bearing on the loading of your site...
• Reduce the HTTP Requests...
• Use CSS sprites whenever possible
• Optimize images for the web
• Use server side caching
• Use Gzip to compress the size of the page
• Use a Content Delivery Network
• Reduce 301 Redirects

Friday 29 July 2016

Why are Meta Tags so important in SEO?

Why are #MetaTags so important in #SEO?

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/digital-marketing-solutions

To put it very simply, Meta tags are words that are used to define the gist of content written on a particular webpage. The only different thing about them is that they do not appear along the content on the page in the browser. They appear on the page code of the web page which is not visible to visitor browsing the page on the site.

The importance of #MetaTags in SEO stems from the fact that when Google’s search spiders come crawling on the site to check what the content is about, their task is made easier by crawling through Meta Tags that define the gist of content written on the webpage.

With well written Meta Tags placed on code pages, the site is picked much faster by search spiders, as they are able to ascertain the topic of content written on the page by just going through these Meta Tags without going through the entire content on the web page

Thursday 28 July 2016

SEO Company Australia - W3C Validation- AVP Solutions

Don’t forget to make your site ‪#‎W3C_Compliant‬...
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/search-engine-optimization-s…

If you are serious about reaching the top tier of Search Engine Rankings, you should not forget to make sure that your website is complying with all the parameters laid down by the ‪#‎W3C‬, a short term used for‪#‎World_Wide_Web_Consortium‬, which is the main standards organization for the world-wide web. Till now, W3C has set-up approximately 90 standards, and the prime purpose of these standards is to ensure that the web or the Internet is able to work well for every user around the globe, irrespective of their geographical location or technology.
Here is a look at some of the key considerations given in these standards...
1. Minimizing the ‪#‎HTML_errors‬ which can really cause a website to dysfunction at any time
2. ‪#‎Mobile_friendliness‬ of the website
3. The ability of the site to load faster in the browser
4. Number of ‪#‎Backlinks‬ to the site
5. Cross browser Compatibility

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Google Adwords Management Company in Australia

Get visitors to ‪#‎click‬ on your ‪#‎Google_Adwords‬
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/pay-per-click-ppc
The best way to do it is by giving them a direct or indirect ‘Call to Action’ in the Adwords Copy. Take a look at the various ways that can be used to give them a ‘Call to Action’...
1. By highlighting Customer testimonials and saying, “See, what they are saying about us.” 
2. By highlighting the exact cost savings by saying “Now you can cut your costs by xyz Rupees”
3. By tickling their imagination and letting it run wild by saying “Imagine what you would do if you had ...”
4. By fuelling their impatience by saying “Want to get a solution right now?”

Tuesday 26 July 2016

A perfect Outsourcing Strategy

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/avp-outsourcing
There is no denying the fact that ‪#‎Outsourcing‬ is the need of the hour. If a small organization has to survive and grow, it is imperative that it goes the Outsourcing way to keep a check on the costs associated with acquiring resources from vendors that are not viable for profits.

In order to cut down on costs, SMEs and SOHOs have to go with the idea of outsourcing their resources from much cheaper vendors without compromising on the quality. Even if that means going overseas to find those vendors through, the organizations have to be flexible enough to adapt that change.
In order to have a profitable outsourcing deal, it will also be wise to clearly define the scope of the operations that are being outsourced from the vendor being chosen for outsourcing. Define the full area of services to be delivered by the vendor would also be advisable to remove any ambiguity.

Monday 25 July 2016

Don’t forget the space restriction for Adwords!

Don’t forget the space restriction for ‪#‎Adwords‬!
Before you go about writing a really attractive headline for your Adwords campaign, you should first of all make a clear note of the exact number of characters space you have at your disposal to write the Adwords Copy...

• For writing a ‪#‎Headline‬, you get a maximum space of 25 Characters
• For writing a ‪#‎DisplayURL‬, you get a maximum space of 35 Characters
• For the first ‪#‎descriptionline‬, you have only 35 Characters to play with
• And the same limit applies for the 2nd description line at 35 Characters only
In these limited number of characters spaces, you have to come up with something attractive and compelling so that the reader is forced to click on it out of sheer curiosity. If You want to have more information, then visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/google-adwords

Thursday 21 July 2016

How to write Killer Blog Posts?

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://avpitsolutions.blogspot.in/

1. Write a catchy headline to draw readers’ attention.
2. Be precise about what you want to say in lesser words.
3. Avoid the use of filler words in your post.
4. Use simple words that most readers can understand easily.
5. Always put the link of the targeted url in your post.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Google SEO Tips

3 Evergreen ‪#‎SEOTips‬ that always work!
Link Building...Building links to all the targeted keywords on your site with relevant content pages generated on the web.
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/search-engine-optimization-s…

Organic Content...Unique and informative content that incorporates keywords naturally with the natural flow of the content on the web pages.
Time relevant Information... Putting factual and time relevant information on the pages is something that will always give your site credibility and would also not make the information redundant with the passage of time.

Monday 18 July 2016

Creative Website Design in Australia

‪#‎WebDesign‬ Aspects that you can’t afford to miss!
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/website-design
Size of the ‪#‎Website‬...
Keeping the size of the site within limits is paramount for ensuring that the site runs faster in the browser, and does not annoy the visitor by taking a long time to open.
A good mix of Content with Graphics...
Aesthetic appeal of the site is also a big factor in attracting visitors or discouraging them away. That’s why, striking a nice balance between content and graphics is extremely important while designing the web pages.
Needless use of hyperlinks, inappropriate headings, remark tags, too much italicized or bold text in the page can easily bring down the page ranking. On the other hand, well written HTML coding will ensure that the site does rank well on the ‪#‎SERPs‬.
Updated Information...
Updating the content on the site is also very critical in drawing the attention of Google search Bots to the web pages. Keeping a regular update routine can help you rank higher continuously for a long time.

Friday 15 July 2016

Unique Content for SEO

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit ushttp://www.avpsolutions.com.au/content-writing
• Recent changes in Google search algorithms have once again proven that the best way to succeed in your ‪#‎SEO‬ efforts is to use only Unique, fresh & Organic Content on your website.

• Interesting and to the point Social media content is also very important for creating the desired buzz in social media channels about the promoted site/brand.
• Keyword optimized Web content written on the same guidelines is the most critical factor in enhancing the Search Engine friendliness of the website.
• Writing Blog content on the same lines is also of paramount importance to enhance the search engine rankings of the website.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Best Outsourcing Company

• You may believe it or not, but #Outsourcing is a seriously BIG business, slated to reach a whopping US$479.3 billion by the end of year 2016, a significant leap from 2011 when it stood at $ 370 billion. Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au

‪#‎India‬ is named as the biggest outsourcing destination in terms of financial opportunities and conducive business environment, according to a London based firm A T Kearney in its 2016 Global Services Location Index (GSLI).
• After #India, China, Malaysia, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Mexico, Chile and Poland respectively made up the top 10 best outsourcing destinations list. If You want to have more information, then visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/avp-outsourcing

Monday 11 July 2016

Latest Google SEO Update

Tips to make site compatible with latest ‪#‎GoogleSEOupdates‬!
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au
Here are a few tips that can really help...
• Stress on Visual Content, preferably in the form of info graphics.

• Stress on promotion through ‪#‎SocialMedia‬
• Stress on Global/Local SEO targeting with appropriate content generation
• Stress on using Padded Keywords for back-linking
• Stress on using Relevant keywords for promotion
• Stress on having a mobile friendly website
• Stress on writing to-the-point Meta-Tag descriptions If You want to have more information, then visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au

Thursday 30 June 2016

Best Outsourcing Company

#Outsource to Outsmart Competition!


Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/avp-outsourcing

What do you do if your local resources become too scarce or too expensive to afford?
You don’t do anything and bear the extra burden of the rising cost of resources being imposed on you.  

You simply venture out and look for outside resources that can provide you the same resources at an affordable cost.

Many companies all over the world who had faced similar situations in their business have taken the second option and they are happily Outsourcing their resources from cheaper sources.

This way, they are able to save more on their resources in the first place, and are also able to contribute to the growth of the Outsourcing company located in some other part of the world.      

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Outsourcing Company Sydney

#Outsource to Outgrow your competitors!


Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/avp-outsourcing  
Outsourcing can help you in cutting down your business operating costs.
Outsourcing can also help you in improving your customer care services.
Outsourcing would also help you in enhancing the quality of your service deliveries.
Outsourcing can also help you in trimming down company size to further reduce your salary allocations.

   With so many direct benefits accruing to your company...
1. in terms of cost reduction
2. in terms of improvements in quality of Services
3. in terms of enhanced Customer Satisfaction with better customer care

You definitely stand a better chance of Outgrowing those Competitors, who are still stuck with the conventional way of doing business with their age old local suppliers.

Monday 27 June 2016

SEO Company Melbourne

‪#‎VoiceSearch‬ is the next big thing on local SEO!
Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/digital-marketing-solutions

• With the launch of voice search, users are shifting to voice searches on internet to search their desired content without getting into the hassle of typing their search query.

• With a steady rise in the trend of voice searches across mobile Internet, SEO companies too face a tough task on their hands to optimize the site’s content based on local lingo and slangs, so that they are more likely to feature the phrases on their site that are commonly used by people during their local searches.

Friday 24 June 2016

SEO Services Sydney

Just call us at our service desk no. +61-433300122 or 61-07 3299 3539 to know more today; or e-mail us at info@avpsolutions.com.au or visit us http://www.avpsolutions.com.au/search-engine-optimization-seo 
Finding Relevant Keywords for promotion...

Based on the latest ‪#‎SearchEngine‬ updates by Google, choosing the right and most appropriate keywords has become extremely important in deciding the ranking of site on the SERPs. In order to do so, there are 2 approaches that must be employed to get the best results...
1. Follow the searcher’s point of view...
Under this approach, it is advisable to look at the possibility of search terms from the perspective of searcher, and what he or she is likely to type more to do a search.
2. Keep the local lingo and terms used in the target market...
In this approach, it is advised to keep the local slangs used by people in the targeted market in mind, so that the possibility of searchers hitting a local term for a particular service or product is covered in the keyword.